Link To Us

By using one of the following link examples on your website you are both a blessing to us here in Jerusalem and are making a bold statement of where you stand with Israel - Thank you!

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Gen 12:3)

Copy the HTML code above and paste it into the source of your site.

The Jerusalem Gift Shop - Israeli Gift Shop for Christian Gifts

Christian Gifts from Israel - The Jerusalem Gift Shop

This code will generate an image like the one above.

Copy the HTML code above and paste it into the source of your site.

The Jerusalem Gift Shop - Israeli Gift Shop for Christian Gifts

Messianic Gifts from Israel - The Jerusalem Gift Shop

This code will generate an image like the one above.

Copy the HTML code above and paste it into the source of your site.

Messianic Gifts from Israel

Messianic Gifts from Jerusalem

This code will generate an image like the one above.


Copy the HTML code above and paste it into the source of your site.

The Jerusalem Gift Shop - Israeli Gift Shop for Christian Gifts
We Support Israel - Christian Gifts from Jerusalem

This code will generate an image like the one above.


Copy the HTML code above and paste it into the source of your site.

The Jerusalem Gift Shop - Israeli Gift Shop for Christian Gifts
We Support Israel - Shop for Christian Gifts from Jerusalem here

This code will generate an image like the one above.


Copy one of the two HTML codes above and paste it into the source of your site for the corresponding banner below.

Christian Gifts from Jerusalem
For Christian Gifts

Code above code will generate
an image like this.


The Jerusalem Gift Shop - Israeli Gift Shop for Christian Gifts
We Support Israel

Code above code will generate
an image like this.

You may also link back using the code below to create a Text Link

Christian Gifts from Israel - The Jerusalem Gift Shop

Our Christian Gift Shop located in the heart of Jerusalem is your connection to Israel - A weekly newsletter providing news direct from Jerusalem & special Christian gift offers shall unite any lover of Israel with the Land

This will generate a Text Link like the one above.


Title: Christian Gifts from the Holy Land

Christian Gifts from the Holy Land

A simple anchor link like this above is also most appreciated.

Title: Messianic Gifts from Israel

Messianic Gifts from Israel

A simple anchor link like this above is also most appreciated.


And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
(Gen 12:3)