

Havdalah set featuring scenes from around the old city of Jerusalem - designed by the Karshi studios in Jerusalem.

Shabbat ends with the Havdala ceremony. Havdala means separation, this separates the holy Shabbat from the rest of the week. The Havdala ceremony is said to have started by the men of the Great Assembly 2,500 years ago, it is conducted at the end of Shabbat when we can see three stars in the sky (about 18 minutes after sunset).

Size: 9 x 8 inches / 23cm x 19cm approx.

Here is what you will need:
1 cup of wine or grape juice.
A candle with 2 (at least) wicks (or 2 candles).
Spices, cloves or any pleasant smelling flowers.

The Havdala ceremony
Fill the cup with wine (some fill it so it overflows representing bounty - it is best to have a plate under the goblet)

Kos yeshuot esa uve-shem Adonai Ekra.
Hinay El yeshuati; evtach ve-lo efchad.
Ki azi ve-zimrat Ya Adonai, va-yehi li lishua.

I lift this cup of salvation and proclaim in the name of Adonai. Behold! Adonai is my salvation; I will trust in HaShem and will know no fear. Adonai is my strength and my song; HaShem is the source of my deliverance.

Light the Havdala candle (some allow the youngest person present to hold the candle, some believe that the height that the flame is held is as high as ones' future life partner)

After the first paragraph of Havdala is read, the blessing over the wine is made but the wine is not drunk.

The blessing over the spices is made, and the spices are passed around for everyone to smell.

The blessing over the fire is made - everyone present holds their hands towards the flame so they can see the light reflected in their fingernails. This is to represent the difference between light and dark, and the acceptance of the light.

The last paragraph of Havdala is read, and the wine is drunk - either by the person who recited Havdala, or it is passed around for everyone to drink.

A few drops of wine are poured on to a plate, and the Havdala flame is extinguished in the wine.

Some people dip their index fingers in the wine and dab their fingers on their eyebrows, temples and pockets to represent our desire for enlightenment, wisdom and prosperity.

After Havdala it is customary to wish everyone present a shavuah tov (good week), or gut voch in Yiddish.

Shipped direct from Israel.

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Havdala set Jerusalem