Wooden Cross

Our wide selection of olive wooden crosses presents one of the primary symbols of Christianity in precious olive wood, made by hand in Bethlehem, the town where JESUS was born, and shipped directly to you from Jerusalem. Olive wood crosses make ideal Christmas gifts, but since we need the deliverance found in HIS victory on the cross every day, they are also popular year-round Christian gifts.

We are suppliers to ministries globally of the following olive wood products made for The Jerusalem Gift Shop.

  • Wooden cross necklace made of olive wood
  • Carved wooden cross made of olive wood
  • Olive wood and Mother of Pearl cross necklace
  • Olive wood Jerusalem cross

Our olive wood crosses are made by skilled Christian craftsmen whose understanding of olive wood craft has been passed down from generation to generation in Bethlehem.

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A broad variety of crosses are stocked in our olive wood store, from small key chains and comfort crosses with sackcloth bags to larger stand-alone crosses and hanging wall versions, as well as a special section for Olive Wood Pendants including an assortment of cross necklaces. Various decorative designs are used to complement the theme of the cross, as well as augment the beautifully unique grain of the wood.

Olive wood trees are native to the Holy Land and have been part of the scenery as the events of the Bible played out, surviving (and thriving) still today to stand testimony to the longevity of GOD's Word.