

Giving a set of ten communion cups as a gift can be a meaningful and inspirational gesture for a variety of reasons.

One reason might be that the gift symbolizes the giver's faith and belief in the importance of Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper, in the Christian tradition.

Another reason might be that a set of ten communion cups can be useful for churches or other organizations that regularly hold Communion services.

Additionally, giving a set of ten communion cups as a gift can be a way to honor or commemorate a special event or milestone in the recipient's life, such as a baptism, confirmation, or ordination.
Finally, a set of ten communion cups made of Olive Wood could be a great way to give a unique, handcrafted, and meaningful gift that is also eco-friendly and sustainable.

The Jerusalem Gift Shop since 2004
Experience our Beautiful Inspirational Products, from Jerusalem:
Communion Cups, Crosses, Biblical Oil Lamps, Christian Jewelry, Messianic prayer shawl, and Menorahs. Our objective is to provide you with the Best Gifts for Your Family, Home, and Congregation that Israel has to offer.

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Communion cups set - The Lord's Supper - Ten Small (Approx 3 Inch) Olive Wood Cups